Whether you join Canary Sail for RYA Sailing Training break, Canary Island Cruising or a Bareboat Charter holiday, it will be rare not to encounter some of the abundant Atlantic Sea Life here.
The sailing area between the two bases offered by Canary Sail – San Miguel Marina, South Tenerife and San Sebastian Marina on the beautiful Island of La Gomera, is a protected Whale and Dolphin World hotspot.

The 15 NM channel between these Western Islands is closed to large transit commercial shipping for this reason. Only Island-hopping ferries, fishing boats – both sport and traditional trawlers and leisure boats are to be seen directly in these waters.
The most common species spotted by the Canary Sail fleet are Pilot Whales. They are small – around the size of a large dolphin and mainly “bask” or swim gracefully on the surface in pods of up to a dozen at a time.
During 15 years since the forming of the company, Canary Sail clients, instructors and skippers alike have also witnessed close hand – Fin Whales, Bride Whales, Humpback Whales and Sperm Whales with occasional sightings of Orca “Killer Whales” during the winter months. Often the first sign of surface activity is the sighting of the many “Shearwater” birds, circling and swooping in the immediate area.

During a sailing week with Canary Sail, it would be quite unusual not to experience sightings of whales, pods of Dolphins (some estimated at up to 100!!), Turtles, frequent Flying Fish, the odd Hammer Head Shark and Manta Ray.
The Dolphins are particularly playful often darting around the yacht, swimming alongside and most spectacularly weaving and surfacing at the bow. Some put on a true performance and jump clear of the surface! A most amazing sight out on the free, open Ocean..
See here photos and videos all taken by clients and kindly donated to Canary Sail to share with you all. We particularly like the turtle rescue incident filmed just this June on an annual visit by the Zurich International School group of RYA Competent Crew students on one of our yachts. This disabled turtle was spotted, carefully taken aboard, fishing line cut from around its neck and released back to the Ocean to a great cheer from all on board.
Before any one asks….no we cannot swim with the Dolphins! However, we can enjoy them in their most natural environment – magical moments indeed.
Join us here at Canary Sail for a wonderful sailing adventure….and more….
The following links are source Blogs and articles highlighting La Gomera and West Tenerife as a World Whale and Dolphin “Hotspot”